Why Mobile Apps are Better Compared to Mobile Websites

Virtueinfo Virtueinfo
May 28, 2019

We have reached a point where Mobiles have surpassed traditional computers in doing things that were unimaginable a few years back. All the web development companies as well as small and large scale businesses immediately made their websites responsive in order to amplify the experience of mobile users. But the problem with mobile websites was that it was not easy to search for a particular information due to poor UI/UX design interface and improper font styling. Also many a times there were pop up ads or alerts which made browsing the website very difficult for the visitor.

And because of all the above reasons, mobile applications were developed which were specially designed keeping in mind the need of a particular user rather than all the users. Also the web design and interface were such that user can easily navigate to all the areas of the website thus accessing their desired information. In addition to that visitors found it more secure to do banking transactions from mobile apps rather than mobile websites.

Below are the key reasons why mobile apps are better and much needed replacement for mobile websites.

Ability to Watch and Save Video Content Offline for Later Viewing

Many top video content streaming websites like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar etc have their own mobile apps where people can see and download videos according to their preferred categories. Also they can have a cinematic experience in their mobile itself due to the Ultra HD feature provided by these sites.

Banking Transactions Made Fast and Secure

There are many hackers that can easily hack your browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla and many more and hence can get all your personal details. For example if you are using internet banking from your mobile browser than the hackers can get your user id and password which can be used to withdraw money from your account. In order to overcome this issue prominent banks like HDFC, Axis, ICICI have their own mobile apps which is highly secure and user friendly. Moreover these websites use three way authentication that makes hacking almost impossible. These apps provide many useful features like easy money transfer, safe bill payments to third parties and many more.

Faster Compared to Mobile Websites

Most of the mobiles apps store their data locally on mobile devices as compared to mobile websites which uses web servers to store the data. This makes mobile apps faster hence increasing user experience and saving precious time of the visitors. Also mobile apps can store user preferences and can display information to the users according to their interests next time they open the app.

Increase in Brand Authority

Studies have shown if a mobile user have installed an app then they will open the app more frequently compare to the mobile website. This is a good opportunity for companies to increase their brand presence as user engagement will increase once they have a good mobile app for their business.

Online/E-Commerce Shopping Made Easy

Popular E-commerce websites like Amazon, Alibaba, E-bay and others are getting their highest number of sales from mobile apps. E-Commerce Apps with good user interface and designing have made the online shopping from mobiles a huge success. Many features like fast loading, secure payments, customized display of products have almost doubled the conversion rates of these online businesses as compared to mobile websites.

Effective Communication

Whatsapp is a widely used mobile app used for communications now a days. It has almost created a revolution as people all over the world can stay in touch with each other 24 hours a day and that too free of cost. All they need is a working internet connection. Also audio communications by apps like Whatsapp, Line, Google Duo and other apps are of such high quality that it can give telecom companies a run for their money.

In addition to the above features new and useful mobile apps are becoming popular more rapidly due to their ability to make human lives easy. Mobile app developers are constantly working in order to provide apps that offer real time features like apps that allow us to deal in the share market, apps that allow us to book appointments online, dating apps, navigation apps and many more.

Virtueinfo was one of the few companies that understood the importance of mobile apps and hence we have experienced mobile app developers that have build high quality apps for the clients worldwide. We are also expert in building PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, Node Js, IONIC, ReactJs, Android and Iphone Applications. One of the main reasons for our success is our exceptional software testers who have years of experience in testing web and mobile applications.

Contact us with your requirements now on sales@virtueinfo.com.

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